It’s all technicolor. Rich textures, deep and wide spaces, tactile coloration… these are the sonic parts of recordings that excite me. I care about hi-fi, and I care about the colourful experience of the listener. Records are like films to me. I love live tracking. I like bleed & leakage. I prefer honest performances over laboured ones. I’m non dogmatic, both about gear and process. I’m not a documentarian. I have a fingerprint and I’m okay with that. I view what I do as an expression of a vision.

I don’t like making records sound ‘old’. I don’t like to follow a blueprint for how records were made in say, 1965. That is utterly uninteresting and uninspiring to me. I want to make records that define a new ‘classic’, a new path that has not been walked on over and over. New methods, new perspectives - these inspire me. These make me want to search and discover. That is the art that excites me. I don’t care about analog vs, digital. Years ago it became clear to me that I could make a record sound exactly how I wanted it to, no matter the medium. The medium is simply one point in a chain of events.

There are many old and new pieces of hardware that I truly enjoy using, and can scarcely imagine working without. But there are equal discoveries to be made in the digital realm, where new tools of expression find their way into my work every day. Modern production excites me, and the ways we can push the margins of the sonic experience are seemingly endless.

Not to mention, old technology like analog tape, come with the inevitable side effects of environmental harm. I don’t want to be party to that anymore, which is part of the reason I moved to a digital workflow in the 2010’s.

I love found spaces. Non recording studios tend to yield the most interesting exploration, to me. Be it a lodge in the woods, or a former warehouse, a space is a vehicle for sound and spirit.

I have flirted on occasion with the open room concept of recording, where the studio and control room are one, removing the barriers of communication, and creating a womb where our spirits all live and work together in the same space. I love this way of working, and while my current space is not setup that way exclusively, it is as hybrid of both approaches, and works swimmingly for me, at the moment.